
Assistance Dogs

Assistance Dogs
Many people struggle with day to day life whether that be physically or mentally. Dogs are able to offer invaluable support and comfort, where people often fail. I believe your own family dog could be underutilised in offering support for someone who is struggling. After training my own dog, I first-hand witnessed how enabling and supportive a specifically trained dog could be. If you feel you or someone you know could benefit from the support a dog could offer please get in touch.
We can work towards something as simple, but powerful, as a nose nudge during a time of need, up to providing more complex support for those with mental health issues, autism or a physical disability. Please note, we do not train guide or medical alert dogs. We do not provide dogs and we offer no guarantee.
The purpose of this service is to work with you and your dog to improve your day to day living. This is not a service in which to ‘register’ or ‘qualify’ your dog as an assistance dog.

One to One Info

Before any one to one session, we have a no pressure, no commitment initial session of 30 minutes so you can meet us, ask any questions and we can gather a history of your dog and your goals for them. If you decide to continue with us, we can discuss the best way forward for you and your dog and book a training session. Training sessions are an hour long and take place at our address in Hale. Initial sessions are charged at £20 and training sessions at £40. If desired, double slots can be booked for both the initial session and training sessions. To book an initial session or for more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.